*ALL PURCHASES ARE FINAL AND NON REFUNDABLE* [Made In FL Studio 12] [Compatible with FL 12 & Above] [Blue Nova Raw Vocals Included] [Third Party Plugins are not included or sent] Vocal Chain Instructions 1) Route each vocal track onto any mixer insert in FL Studio 2) Click FST. file & Drag it onto a routed mixer insert in FL Studio Third Party Plugin: - Antares Autotune - Puigtec EQP1A Stereo - Waves Doubler2 Stereo Replacement Plugins Set Inside Vocals Effects: - FL Studio Pitcher - E Minor - Use Parametric EQ 2 and Boost 16K region 3db - Use Fruity Delay 2, Use Preset "Widen" For more vocal chains: http://bluenovabeats.com Mic: Blue Bluebird Interface: Focusrite Scarlett Solo Vocal Chain created by Blue Nova Subscribe to Blue Nova: https://www.youtube.com/bluenovabeats - Purchase Beats, Vocal Tags, & Song Mixing: http://bluenovabeats.com - Email: bluenovabeats@gmail.com - Twitter : http://twitter.com/BlueNovaBeats - Facebook : http://Facebook.com/BlueNovaBeats - Instagram : http://Instagram.com/BlueNovaBeats - Youtube: http://Youtube.com/BlueNovaBeats - Soundcloud: http://Soundcloud.com/OfficialBlueNova